nedeľa 11. júla 2010

Bear in mind!! + dogs

If you are in a camp, before anything else, put your food, trash, cooking gear, fuel, soaps and toiletries up a bear pole or tree. They must be at least 12 feet (4M) to be secure. Then place your camp a safe distance away.

The Black Bear:
The black bear is the smallest of the bears. He is primarily a scavenger, not a hunter. In areas where people are present he has learned that people can provide food, and he may have lost much of his fear of man. Use the procedure as above, but if he attacks it is likely that he has mistaken you for food, or that you have food, or he could be rogue. Play dead, but if he bites, fight back.

The Grizzly Bear:
The grizzly bear is indifferent to man. He as no fear of man and will attack if he feels like it. Sometimes he may not attack and may run away. The best thing is to avoid him and never surprise him. If he does attack he rarely sustains his attack, after you play dead. Remember he is a very big animal and his weight alone can kill.

The Polar Bear:
The polar bear is the most deadly of all. While his normal food is seal, they have been known, for centuries, to attack humans. Until the introduction of firearms, the native people of the north have lived in fear of them. Many early explorers have told horror stories of polar bear attacks. These bears are known to stalk and hunt humans. If you are in polar bear country carry a firearm or avoid the area.


4) Fear of wild animals: Avoid pitching over animal paths in forest undergrowth. One night in France we woke to the thunder of hooves as a deer ran at the tent by mistake. Barking and even howling dogs are a feature nearly every night. They are not always barking at you, as they always have a dusk chorus. We have been approached by wild dogs about 4 times over six months, mostly in Northern Greece. They stand and bark in a most dogged fashion, but have not approached the tent. As we are now in Bulgaria, where there are wolves, I have a pack of balloons to blow up and burst to frighten them. A few rocks in the bell end are also a precaution, not that we have had to resort to this. Wild dogs are in greater numbers within a 2 km radius of a village or rubbish tip, so avoiding these areas is good. Our friend recommended carring a few bangers to make really big bangs, but we have not found any to buy yet.

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