pondelok 5. januára 2009

Drobnosti so sebou

rodinne fotky - tvojej usporiadanej, slusne oblecenej a usmievajucej sa rodiny, vol take fotky, ake by ti kludne zverejnili aj v Straznej vezi. Je velmi zblizujuce ukazat inym ludom, ze toto je tvoj brat, sestra, otec a mama, stary rodicia a vsetci sa mate hrozne radi a chybaju ti.
- fotku dubceka a byvalich prezidentov CSR
- Vizitku - toto velmi odporucam, ja mam na jednej strane meno a adresu a na druhej mapku Europy s vyznacenym Slovenskom a zakladnymi udajmi o nom, hoci vacsinou vravim, ze som z Czechoslovakia, tak mala reklama nam nezaskodi, nikto o nas totiz nic nevie (lebo nehrame kriket :-))) )
Zosit -
Nohavice - odporucam tenke a rozopinatelne pod kolenami
Udicu - rybky su fajne
Plynove naplne na varic - 2x - 250ml (+ tie co uz mam 2x - 150ml)
Masku na dychanie ( Pakistan, Indie - Tadzmahal, Agra, Bangkok)
Vytlac info - z dromedar.sk pre kazdy stat (napr: http://dromedar.topky.sk/cl/11175/99215/Rumunsko)
Hrniec - objem 3l + pokrievka+ vareska
Rucny mixer s cepelami + skrabka na supanie zeleniny (napr mrkva, zemiaky,squash, velka uhorka)
Bear bells - any bells to hang on bike or tent while camping, on on tree, so animals know about you!
Hot water bottle - (thermofor)

Cast net fishing RING -

Triple Fish Holder -

Triple  Fish Holder
Designed to hold food firmly between the hinged wire grids for ease of turning over barbecue fire. Prevents food from sticking to grill plate and breaking up when turning. Perfect also for steaks, chicken and vegetables.

Vnucovanie tovaru
Najlepsia obrana je ignoracia. Proste si ich absolutne nevsimajte a nepocuvajte.
Pokial su az taky drzi, ze ta chytaju za rukav, ruku alebo dokonca plece, najlepsie je agresivne sa vytrhnut a poriadne hlbokym hlasom po slovensky zahresit. Vzdy pochopia, ze neradno v tom pokracovat.

- rice 0,5 kg, pasta 0,5 kg, spaghetti 0,25 kg, potatoes 0,5 kg, cous cous 0,25 kg, lentils 0,25 kg,
- 1 small box - vegetable + fruits
- instant soups 20x, boullion cubes 10x
- tins : 10pc (stew, gulas, tuna, mozzarella, red kidney beans, beans in tomato sauce, coconut milk)
- salt, sugar, spices: black powder, tamari, garlic powder, fennel for indigestion, oregano, grilled mixed spice, paprika, turmeric, chili, etc
- bread 1x, 3dl oil, self-raising flour 1,5kg, powdered milk, powdered eggs, raisins,
- pudding 10ks
- biscuits 10x, chocolate 3x milk, 3x dark
- fish
- oat
- cream of wheat (krupicova kasa)

O vode

  • vodu pi len kupovanu, chemicky upravenu (pozri nizsie) alebo aspon prevarenu (min. 15 minut)
  • podla mojej skusenosti sa uplne dokonale nevyhnes pitiu lokalnej neupravenej vody (takato voda je v jedle, v lade [nemas sancu usledovat, kam ho vsade pichnu], niekde proste inu nekupis), je ale rozumne sa takejto vode vyhybat a prijimat ju v co najmensom mnozstve, povazujem za sialenstvo pit len lokalnu vodu, 100krat to moze byt v poriadku a raz sa poseries az za usami
  • hlavne v dedinach vas mozu polahky ponuknut "100% nezavadnou" vodou z nedalekej vodnej nadrze, kam okrem ineho chodia aj kupat dobytok!
  • na flasiach s kupovanou vodou treba kontrolovat nezavadnost uzaveru, ktory je vzdy zablombovany a tiez skontrolujte, ci vo vode nie su nejake necistoty a zrazeniny
  • hlavne v Ghane ale aj v Indii predavaju aj velmi lacnu vodu v 250ml igelitovych sackoch, je to dobra voda, mozete usetrit, ked si ju budete prelievat do flias a tiez na jednorazove pitie sa oplati viac, ako velke flase; v Ghane ale pozor na zaviazane sacky, ktore su nebezpecne
  • v zasade by ste namali pit vodu, ktora je oznacena ako filtrovana, ale len vodu, ktora je aj chemicky alebo UV upravena
  • flasa by sa mala po pouziti skrcit, aby ju nemohli podvodnici znova naplnat
  • .........
    OK - battery powered water purifier,
    Steripen Adventurer Opti - £109.99

    OK - MSR Sweetwater Purifier System - £79.99
    Complete treatment of water, kills everything we know about so far. Light and small at 320g for the filter and 80g for the purifier solution. Simple to use.
    Disadvanatges - Average cartridge life is only 750 litres. Field cleanable but not field servicable.

    water purifier - £115 - baterry operated, this shop deliver only in USA,
    order from uk


    A water purifier kills or sterilises all living things in the water (bacteria, protozoa, giardia, cryptosporidium and viruses), either using chemicals or UV light but leaves any physical matter untouched (e.g. silt, chemical odour and taste). So although your water may be bug free it's still brown and smelly.

    Water Filters work at about 1 litre per minute, either using a pump or gravity. Water purifiers take seconds but the treated water normally has to be left to dwell to give the bugs time to die. For a chemical purifier this can be 15 mins to 4 hours depending on the volume and treatment used. For UV systems this is a couple of minutes. Both filters and purifiers have their place depending on the water quality that you start with.

    0,5kg water filter - sponzor

    Chemicka uprava vody

    Nazov Cena Pouzitie

    Aquamira 415CZK/130 litrov
    1. 7 kvapiek z flasky A a 7 kvapiek z flasky B do vacsieho vrchnaka (je na flasi A)
    2. pockaj 5 minut
    3. do umelohmotnej flase daj 1 liter vody a vlej obsah vrchnaka, poriadne zamiesaj
    4. nechaj odstat 15 minut a hotovo
    * ak je voda velmi studena, kalna alebo predpokladas, ze su v nej bakterie, pouzi z kazdej nadobky 14 kvapiek a nechaj odstat 30 minut * da sa k tomu este kupit aj flasa s uhlikovym filtrom, ale je to drahe
    PUR.Filter 3900,-Kc/400l nahradni vlozka do toho je za 1700kc.Jedna vlozka by mela byt schopna prefiltrovat 400l,ale to zalezi na kvalite vody(jak je spinava).No ale mezi nami,ta chut je nic moc a pul roku bych to pit nechtel.:)))


    leukoplast Spofaplast, 2.5cm x 2m
    5-10x naplast na otlaky Hansaplast
    5-10x rychloobvaz Spofaplast, 2.6 x cm
    2x pruzne objimadlo Idealtex, sirka 6cm
    obinadlo hydrofilne sterilne 6cm x 5m
    vitamin C s predlzenym ucinkom, 500mg tablety, su rozne vyrobky za rozne ceny!
    vytamin B
    multivit - Centrum 100ks

    kondomy pre istotu! su inak v tychto krajinach ovela lacnejsie ako u nas
    10x SMECTA na hnacky, ukludnuje crevne steny, pomoze vo vela pripadoch a je najmenej skodlivy liek
    1x Imodium na hnacky, len zastavuje, vo svete sa da kupit ovela lacnejsie ako u nas
    1x Reasec na hnacky, len zastavuje, v Indii sa da kupit lacnejsie pod nazvom Lomotil
    4x Endiaron podava se k potlaceni infekcnich prujmu, davkovani 3x1 nejdele 7 dni, trva-li prujem jeste 3. den, nutno vyhledat lekare.
    1x Algifen na bolesti brucha, hladkych svalov
    6x Paralen na horucky a proti bolesti
    1x Panthenol Spray
    na spaleniny ale aj na odreniny medzi nohami a pod pazuchami
    1x Dithiaden
    Lariago-DS proti malaria, nie je to profilaktikum!, treba kupit za par korun v Indii
    1x zasyp Nebacetin na mokvajuce rany
    1x mast Pytiol na odreniny
    1x mast MYCO-DECIDIN na plesne, pouzil som parkrat
    1x mast Bactroban na plesne, antibiotikum!, zatial som nepouzil, ale plesen je svina
    2x Septisan na zapali v ustach
    1x loj na pery hlavne v horach sa bez tejto malickosti budes poriadne trapit


  • pri problemoch je najlepsia strava cista ryza, maximalne banany
  • pri jemne divnom pocite v zaludku je najlepsie kupit si 1-2 kokosove orechy, mne to nadherne pomaha
  • ani ked ti je uplne najhorsie, nezabudaj pit vodu
  • odporucam, si kazde rano dat kysle mlieko alebo jogort
  • na zle pocity v zaludku a miernu hnacku pomaha dokonale Smecta
  • pri velkych bolesitach je dobry Algifen
  • pri vacsej hnacke je dobry Reasec, alebo Imodium
  • ked musim zdolat dlhsiu cestu autobusom a citim, ze nie som uplne v poriadku, pouzivam Reasec (1 tabletku a mam pokoj na min. 8 hodin). Raz, ked mi bolo fakt strasne zle, tak som to skombinoval s Diathiadenom, z tej cesty si vela nepamatam, ale ani som sa neposral.
  • k ti exkrementy divne kvasia, tak je dobre skusit Endiaron, alebo sa poradit v lokalnych lekarnach, maju celkom funkcne lieky
  • ak zvracias, len to tak z teba frrrka, mas v stolici nebodaj aj krv alebo nejake zivocichy, tak nevahaj a chod k lekarovi, casto musis dostat velmi, velmi silne lieky, aby si sa z toho dostal
  • http://www.geocities.com/k2_soft/index.htm


    Timetable & costs

    (cause u never know when u'll need pick up)


    Because one never know, i have prepared trains connections

    The itinerary shown here assumes you're travelling eastbound, but it would work exactly the same way westbound:

    • Days 1-4: London-Istanbul: Travel from London to Istanbul (3 nights) by train. There are daily departures via a choice of routes, including London-Brussels-Vienna-Budapest-Bucharest or London-Paris-Vienna-Budapest-Belgrade-Istanbul. The whole journey (which involves at least 6 separate trains) can be booked via several UK European rail ticketing agencies in the UK, and we're talking a minimum of £270 one-way, £450 return. See the London to Turkey page for times, fares, how to buy tickets.

    • Days 5-8: Istanbul-Tehran: Take an evening ferry across the Bosphorus to Haydarpasa station on the Asian side and travel from Istanbul to Tehran in Iran on the comfortable weekly 'Trans-Asia Express' (3 days), see the London to Iran page. This train departs every Wednesday, so your timetable will need to be built around this. We're talking £40 each way including sleeper, plus maybe £15 booking fee.

    • Day 9: Tehran-Kerman: Travel from Tehran to Kerman in southeast Iran by daily overnight train leaving Tehran at 16:45 and arriving at Kerman at 05:50 next morning. The train has comfortable air-conditioned sleepers (4-berth compartments). There's also an earlier train if this train is full. Times and fares can be confirmed at www.rajatrains.com. Fares are very cheap, less than £10, though an agency may charge more.

    • Day 10: Kerman-Bam: The railway was extended a further 225km to Bam in 2004, so change trains at Kerman onto the 08:30 connecting train to Bam, arriving 11:30. The journey takes you through spectacular desert. The fare is only a few pounds.

    • Day 10: Bam-Zahedan: There is then a gap in the railway line, from Bam to Zahedan in deepest southeast Iran, towards the Pakistan border. This section of line is under construction and due to be completed in late 2008, but I'll expect it when I see it. It's not yet clear what train service will be run over the new line - possibly from Kerman to Zahedan, maybe even Kerman to Quetta, perhaps Bam to Quetta or even Tehran to Quetta, maybe weekly, maybe daily, maybe several times per week, who knows. Details have yet to be released. In the meantime, you'll need to take a bus from Kerman or Bam to Zahedan . A bus reportedly leaves Kerman daily at 20:00, calls at Bam a few hours later and arrives Zahedan at 04:00 next morning. The fare is just a few pounds.

    • Day 11+: Zahedan-Quetta: From Zahedan, a mixed passenger and goods train leaves on the 3rd & 17th of every month at 08:30, arriving in Quetta (in Pakistan) at 15:20 the next day. This train consists of several very basic passenger seats cars attached to a freight train, with no sleeping berths or restaurant (the more frequent Taftan Express on this route, which had sleepers, was withdrawn due to security problems a few years ago). Bring plenty of food and above all, lots of drinking water, as it gets very hot in the desert and there's nothing available on board. As an alternative, there are also regular overnight buses on this route, but the train will show you great desert scenery in daylight - treat it as an adventure. Expect an arrival in Quetta 3-6 hours late. IMPORTANT: Please check locally that the twice-monthly train is running, as there have been reports that even the twice-monthly train has been temporarily suspended because of bombing. If it isn't running, buses may be available as an alternative. If you have more information that might help other travellers, please contact me.

    • Day 13+: Quetta-Lahore: From Quetta, the 'Quetta Express' runs daily trains with comfortable air-conditioned sleepers to Lahore, taking 24 hours, see the Pakistan page for times and fares. Expect this to cost less than £20.

    • Day 15+: Lahore-Amritsar: From Lahore there is a twice weekly train, the 'Samjhota EXpress', taking 7 hours (see the Pakistan page eastbound, see above westbound) or daily taxis/buses to Amritsar in India, 46km away. The time taken is down to the border formalities, not the distance! Spend the night in Amritsar, an perhaps visit the Golden Temple.

    • Day 16+: Amritsar-Delhi: There are regular daily trains from Amritsar to Delhi, see above for information on Indian train travel.

    • Onwards to Dhaka in Bangladesh: Take the prestigious overnight 'Rajdhani Express' from Delhi to Calcutta, and the new 'Maitree Express' train (currently running Saturdays & Sundays only, an all-day journey) or daily buses from Calcutta to Dhaka in Bangladesh.

    • Onwards to Kathmandu in Nepal: Take a train from Delhi to Gorakhpur then a bus, see the Nepal page for more info.

    • Onwards to Burma, Thailand, China: Unfortunately, there are no easy overland routes from India or Bangladesh into either Burma (Myanmar) or Thailand. It's possible, visas and permits permitting, to travel to Kathmandu in Nepal then take a $300 tour (you can't go independently, it's not allowed) across the Himalayas to Tibet then a train into China, see the Nepal page. For overland travel from Europe to China the easy way, see the Trans-Siberian page.


    • Read through the arrangements for getting an Iranian visa on the Iran page. It's quite bureaucratic, but do-able.

    • You'll also need to understand visa requirements for Pakistan & India, particularly any 'onward ticket' requirements which annoyingly assume everyone travels by air so can pre-book everything. Read the visa pages on the Pakistan and Indian embassy websites carefully, and if necessary call them to ask advice. Buying refundable air tickets then cancelling them is one dodge to get round such requirements, if necessary. To be honest, the visa requirements are likely to be the most difficult part of making this trip, sorting out the transport arrangements is the easy bit!

    • I'd suggest planning the trip out carefully before you start to book anything, using a simple spreadsheet, so you can see which days you'll be in which place. For advice on planning in this way, see How to plan an itinerary & budget.

    • The Istanbul-Tehran train only runs once a week, on Wednesday nights, and together with the twice-monthly train (which will perhaps run more frequently when the Bam-Zahedan line is completed) this will probably determine the rest of your timetable.

    • Each leg is ticketed separately, even on the London-Istanbul section, so you can stop off wherever you like for as long as you like, be it Paris or Vienna or Budapest or Istanbul or Tehran. Where, how often, and for how long you stop off on the way is entirely your decision.

    • Check the Foreign Office advice on Iran and Pakistan at www.fco.gov.uk. Although this errs on the paranoid side, the advice should be carefully considered.

    • If you want to research this trip further, buy a copy of the Lonely Planet Istanbul to Kathmandu guide, which covers Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, India and Nepal.


    • The critical administrative issue is getting an Iranian visa. See the Iran page for advice on agencies in Iran to contact for this.

    • You'll also need to arrange visas for Pakistan and India. Turkish tourist visas can be bought when the train reaches the Turkish frontier, so this isn't a problem.

    • London-Istanbul train tickets can all be arranged through a UK European rail ticketing agency such as DB's UK office or europeanrail.com. See the London to Turkey page for more advice and information on booking this journey.

    • Istanbul-Tehran train tickets can be arranged through an Istanbul travel agency such as Tur-Ista, see the Iran page.

    • The agency you use to obtain support for your Iranian visa may be able to organise the Tehran-Kerman-Bam trains, and perhaps the Kerman/Bam to Zahedan bus and train ticket from Zahedan to Quetta. If they can't do the train out of Iran, you can book this at the station in Zahedan, but check that you can still get a visa without onward tickets.

    • Trains within Pakistan and India are most easily left until your arrival in those countries, and booked at the ticket office.